Catering design

Catering design principles:

Catering Design: Catering design means a center for preparing and producing food on a large scale and commercially. This comprehensive definition makes the catering design process have many technical, economic and specialized problems. In other words, there are many components in a catering. Each of which alone makes the design of the project have major and important equipment.

Note that to start a catering, you can contact the experts of Persa Design and Construction through various communication channels.

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The most important factors in catering design include the following:

1. Menu type:
The variety of food on the menu is one of the most important factors.
Iranian, traditional, western, fast food, etc. each have their own facilities, requirements, and logistics.
And of course, after choosing a catering menu style, it requires its own special design.

2. Production capacity:
The amount of food production has a direct impact on all parts of a catering.
This production capacity causes more devices, machinery, equipment, supplies, and tools to be needed, and is particularly effective in catering design.
More production capacity in catering means the need to store raw materials and larger refrigerators; the calculation and division of the warehouse and refrigerators was done by a group of consultants, designers, and reputable chefs and is included in the designs.

3. Machinery and equipment:
In general, the method of preparing and producing food and beverages, production meters, operation method and selection of the type of machinery (which in some cases are selected as traditional and, in some cases, semi-industrial or fully industrial) have an impact on the layout, area and type of circulation.
On the other hand, the selection of machinery and equipment is directly related to the employer’s budget, infrastructure and many other things.

4. Area and scope:
The first step in designing any project is the area, geometry and scope of the project, and specifically, in more space, design and layout will be easier. Of course, in large projects, the design becomes complex and if the consulting, design and construction team do not have the necessary experience, expertise and technical knowledge, the project will suffer serious and irreparable damage.
For example, in an incorrect design, the length of raw material movement by personnel is so long that practically more than 10% of the number of personnel must be hired by the employer.

5. Infrastructure and Logistics:

In general, in all service-providing projects, the issue of infrastructure and logistics is very important from different angles. The possibility of supplying raw materials, expert energy, transportation and all other matters are important in catering design.

For example, some companies that produce machinery and equipment may be very variable and have desirable quality goods. However, due to their specific location, they may not provide good catering and after-sales service to the customer or the possibility of providing after-sales service is not effective for them. Therefore, in practice, supplying machinery and equipment from this manufacturer is a wrong move.

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Design elements:

In catering design, the main catering spaces must first be determined. These spaces must be determined based on the needs of the project based on the studies and reviews of the consulting group, design, construction, equipment, operation and commissioning of the project. Usually, the project space is determined based on the project concept, approach and method of operation, limitations, facilities and capacities of the location and region.
For example, if a project is located in a place where it is easy to supply protein or vegetables from the main producers and suppliers. Then less space is allocated to catering in warehouses and cold stores, and conversely, if it is far from the suppliers of raw materials, naturally more space should be allocated to this issue. The entire project space should be planned based on the project area. In many projects, not paying attention to this main and key issue causes the catering design to not have the desired and ideal performance.
For example, the imbalance and proportion of the raw material warehouse and the food production area, if not designed properly, will definitely cause a decrease in the efficiency of the entire project. In general, the main spaces should be considered in most catering projects. However, in catering projects, depending on the type of use and the style of the menu, other spaces are added to these spaces:

1. Warehouse:
This area is for storing and storing food raw materials, detergents, etc., which has specialized divisions. For example, perishable foods should be divided into above-zero cold stores or below-zero cold stores. Of course, in catering projects with low production capacity, refrigerators and freezers are used.
Setting up a catering business is one of the most popular jobs. Presa Design and Construction has made this possible for you, my dears.

2. Preparation:
Almost all food raw materials, especially proteins and vegetables (in Iran), must undergo processes and operations in the preparation section. This process and operation are called preparation or post-processing. Initial cleaning, washing, cutting and chopping are usually done in preparation. Of course, in large catering with high production capacity, preparations will include other side spaces, which are defined based on the project conditions. Protein and vegetable preparation are among the main spaces in this section. Standards must be observed in catering design and equipment layout. Observing these principles and foundations is in the field of industrial cooking and industrial kitchen.

3. Hot kitchen:
The hot kitchen is the place for producing, baking, frying, grilling, etc. of food raw materials, and this space is practically the heart of catering. In the design of hot kitchens, they are arranged in different ways. The island, parallel, hot line layout method, etc. Each of these systems is different depending on the needs of the employer, the style of the food menu, production capacity and the concept of the project. Another important point in the catering design of the hot kitchen part is the geometry of the project’s surrounding environment. For example, the land and area of ​​the project are square, rectangular or elongated rectangle. In the hot kitchen, small spaces are needed based on the type of catering use. Some air catering requires a pressure chamber, while others require a cold room.

4. Washing:
This section is an integral part of every industrial, semi-industrial, traditional, etc. kitchen. After the preparation, production, and cooking of food, the dishes naturally need to be washed. However, the area of ​​this washing has different spatial arrangements based on the type of machinery and equipment installed in it. In some modern industrial kitchen equipment, there are self-washing systems (such as combi ovens or multi-purpose cooking devices). Or in catering establishments that have barbecue on their menu and have a high production capacity, a skewer machine is usually used. Ultimately, the area of ​​the washing section has many components.

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Catering Design Process:

In every catering project, from the stage of studies, technical and engineering design, construction, equipment and commissioning, there is a specific and step-by-step process, and observing the hierarchy and order of execution will ultimately make the project successful and its efficiency high. One of the most popular businesses, especially in developing countries, is the franchise industry.

In general, the catering design process has the following steps:

1. Menu:
Determining the menu style is the first and most important step in catering design. Various styles of food menus require different designs. For example, an Italian pizza menu or a Turkish food menu or a Japanese food menu generally have different design and layout systems. Therefore, in the first step of catering design, determining the type of menu is very important. Depending on the type of menu, marine, diet, personal, ceremonial, restaurant, take-out or type of medical catering, military, personal, air, sea, rail, land, etc., there are naturally some differences. Hence, the style of the food menu and the variety of the menu have a direct impact on the design of the project.

2. Machinery and equipment:
Choosing machinery and equipment in an industrial kitchen is one of the most important challenges and issues for the project owner. The wide variety of machinery, different prices and qualities, new features (options), different production capacities, etc. all make it difficult to choose the best machinery from the best supplier. In this part, the consulting group that has the necessary experience and expertise can always optimize this part. In general, the selection of machinery and equipment is done based on the food menu, and this part is considered the second main step in catering design.

3. Industrial kitchen design:
Architectural design and layout of catering and industrial kitchen is the most important part of providing and creating a catering. Therefore, if the catering design has a defect or mistake in this part. Naturally, irreparable damage and loss will occur in the process of designing and building catering, some of which cannot be compensated. In catering design, it is essential to consider the principles, rules and technical-engineering rules, comply with industrial cooking standards and related regulations as a mandatory point. In preparing design and layout plans, it is very important to observe the correct implementation details, arrange coordinated spaces, select the correct circulation, pay attention to joinery, etc. On the other hand, according to the method of use, the design and layout of projects will change.

4. Design of facility calculations:
Facilities in catering are a key and fundamental factor. The correct design and calculation of mechanical and electrical facilities and compliance with the principles and principles in this section will be difficult for the team of consultants and project designers. Facilities are generally divided into two areas: mechanical and electrical.
Mechanical facility plans are such as:
Refrigeration, heating, water, sewage, ventilation systems, etc., and electrical facility plans are such as socket switches, CCTV cameras, networks, etc.
Facility drawings are made after the completion of the architectural drawing and are created according to the limitations and conditions of the project, infrastructure, etc.
The design and calculation of facility drawings are subject to domestic and international engineering regulations, laws and standards.

Catering design
Catering in English means a food production and supply unit whose cooked food is served in another place according to the customer’s order. The serving place can be near or far from the production and cooking place, depending on the consumer’s needs. In other words, the working system of catering and food preparation is similar to each other. The difference is that catering production is at an industrial level and exceeds the production capacity of normal food preparation units. Industrial food preparation and production was introduced in the United States since 1820.
The first steps to launch catering were taken in the 1920s for the preparation of airline food, and the first airline catering was established in the United States in 1936. Such projects were developed in the 1930s by state institutions affiliated with the Soviet Union with simple foods, and since about 1960 this industry has become more widespread.

In addition to catering design, Persa Design and Construction is also extensively involved in catering design. To learn about the process of industrial kitchen equipment, click on the link.

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Airline catering:

Having a food preparation center for large airlines is considered one of the most important and sensitive quality factors. The better this service is provided, the greater the satisfaction of passengers will be. In a large industrial airline kitchen, the required food is prepared several hours before the flight, stored in standard conditions, and transported to the aircraft close to the flight time using standard equipment and refrigerated vehicles, and served by flight attendants during the flight. Usually, airline meals are prepared or semi-prepared, depending on the flight conditions and the taste of passengers. In airline nutrition, more sweet ingredients are usually used for morning flights to provide passengers with energy. Or, for midday flights, a combination of protein and sugar ingredients is usually used, and for night flights, low-volume fibrous ingredients that are easier to digest are used. However, on long-haul flights, a variety of foods are served. In these caterings, foods with very little spice and fat are usually used.

Leading catering companies in the world and Iran: 
Among the large and successful projects in this industry are Emirates Airlines, Qatar Airways, Qureshi, Persian, Shamshiri and Naib catering companies, which are leading in the world and in Iran.

1. Emirates Airlines Catering:
It is one of the largest and most luxurious airlines catering companies; it has about ten thousand employees and produces about 180 thousand meals daily. The number of flights of this airline is more than 400 flights daily to 142 different destinations. This catering company prepares more than half of its food needs in Dubai and the rest of its needs in other global stations. In this project, there are recipes for producing 7,000 types of food items, which are constantly changing annually and according to the season. The menu details about 250 soup samples and about seventy thousand dessert samples. On some flights of this airline, passengers are served with luxury foods such as lobster and crab and some kebabs.

2. Persian Food Industries:
The establishment and launch of this project dates back to about 40 years ago. This project is considered the first food preparation in Iran, which cooks a variety of ready-made and semi-ready foods, and a high variety of products can be seen in this project. For example, various types of rice, stews, kebabs, desserts, cold sandwiches, soups and stews, as well as various other products produced in the Persian factory. Such as various types of falafel and burgers battered kebab sauce, various types of chicken and fish schnitzels and other various products are produced.

Catering prerequisites:
1. Choosing the type of catering:
One of the basic requirements for designing an industrial kitchen project is choosing the project’s application. Such as aviation, marine, rail, land, medical, industrial, military, etc. Determining the application is very important in predicting the equipment and machinery required.

2. Choosing a location:
Choosing a location is very important according to the type and target community. For example, for designing and building an industrial kitchen in the aviation industry, it is better for the project to be created within the airport. In projects with high production capacity, the complex should be located in an industrial park (food zone).

3. Selecting the menu and food style:
Before starting the design and in parallel with selecting the location and location of the project, the type of menu and food style should be determined, and the production and distribution capacity should be calculated. Because this stage determines the list of small spaces along with the area and machinery required. Which is determined by the team of consultants, designers, chefs and other expert factors.

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Dear customers, you can enter the page through the uploaded link if you need a food court.

Catering design stages:
1. Space preparation and planning:
To determine the framework and planning of the required spaces and their required area, such as storage, preparation, cooking, serving, etc. In this section, the main and micro spaces of the project should be studied and determined based on the project needs.

2. Initial marking:
Includes the general marking of the required space, such as personnel entrance, personnel service spaces, raw material dock, raw material weighing and storage area, raw material preparation area, cooking, serving and food distribution area, etc., along with drawing the movement circulation of unclean, semi-clean, and clean spaces.

3. Phase one architectural design:
Initial markings, which are often hand sketches, are converted into software drawings and the required spaces and machines determined in the previous stages are precisely located. The output of this stage is the phase one drawings including the spatial layout plan, the furniture plan of machinery and equipment, the area plan of the spaces and the measurement plan; which must be according to the standards.

4. Phase two architectural design:
After examining and verifying the spaces and areas, the phase one and phase two drawings are designed and drawn. These drawings include specialized drawings, joinery, detail notebooks, etc.

5. Structural design and calculation:
Based on the final architectural drawings, the employer’s needs, and the consultant’s requirements, structural drawings are designed and calculated. Project-related issues, technical and engineering issues, laws and regulations of the engineering system are important in designing the executive details of the structure and selecting building materials in the design of the structure.

6. Design and calculation of electrical and mechanical installations:
According to the final architectural drawings, the location of machinery and equipment, and the requirements of each device, installation drawings are calculated and designed based on domestic and international principles and standards.

Stages of implementation and operation of catering:

1. Reinforcement:

The reinforcement stages of the project include excavation, foundation, framing, and execution of beams and columns, implementation of structural ceilings, and Chinese blades, and the end of the reinforcement stage is the beginning of the joinery stage.

2. Finishing:
The joinery stages begin with insulation and coating, and after this stage, infrastructure installations, including electrical and mechanical installations, are implemented, and then false ceilings, flooring, and wall joinery, painting, ceiling and walls, and finally the installation of doors and windows are carried out.

3. Procurement of equipment and machinery:

After the completion of the construction stages and according to the checklist of machinery and equipment prepared in the previous stages and design drawings, the required machinery is procured from reputable companies and suppliers.

4. Training and commissioning:

Some devices require sufficient knowledge and information to work with them. Therefore, it is very important to teach how to work with them, and if the personnel are not properly trained, there is a possibility of damage.

Dear friends, you can contact the following numbers for free consultation in the field of catering design and catering with experienced and specialized experts from the Persa Design and Construction Group.
